Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The perfect job?

What would your perfect job be?

I find this a pretty hard question to answer myself actually. Most people may find this question rather simple to answer or easy for them. Some would say a firefighter because their parents were and they are influenced by that line of work and so fourth. Maybe some say a doctor, because they know they will be helping others and that is what they wish to do. Many people who love animals become veterinarians for that love of animals.

However for me I find this a very hard question to answer. As I do not have a single interest in what to do in life but rather many. I want to be an array of different things in life or partake in different lines of work over time. However how does someone go about doing an array of things if we are only taught to become one single thing? In other words you go to school to be a doctor, that is your occupation for the rest of you life. You would not then leave and start new as a carpenter because you just would not have that knowledge base and would have to learn many new things to survive. Also the pay scale would be much different and you would have to change your lifestyle.

I had always thought I knew what my perfect job would be, however now that I am older I think differently now about enjoyment and how to make money with that enjoyment. You have to have an emotional interest in your job and appreciate what you are doing. You also have to make a good living doing what you are doing. If you are completely happy that's one thing, but if you are dead broke in that job, then I would suggest you find something else because the happiness will fade. Also if you make a ton of money but truly dislike what you are doing, then how can you be happy with that career choice?

These are things I don't think they teach us in schools. Find a rewarding career and enjoy what it is that you are doing. In school they merely teach us that you need a good career that makes a lot of money. Whatever happen to happiness?

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1 comment:

Zimbo85 said...

You're so right, so many people think they love their job, but actually they are just in a habit of getting up in the morning and driving to work.