Friday, April 25, 2008

Use of Turn Signals

Use your turn signals!

This isn't hard to do is it! However you lazy people out there don't use them. So how is the person in the next lane over going to know that you are moving over to avoid driving into the side of your vehicle? By using your signals.

I almost got hit the other day because this guy in a large van did not use his signal. I used mine, I looked and as I moved over, he did the same. However the difference here is this: I had my signal on, if he had even looked he would have seen my signal and chose not to move over, also if he had used his signal himself, I would have not almost hit him as he rushed over into my lane.

So day I was driving and there it goes again. Someone moving into another lane without using there signal while a person in the opposite lane does the same. So one person gets mad and feels cut off. Well...if each of you had used your signals, none of this would have happen.

Quit driving in the dark people! Open you freakin' eyes and use your signals!

The use of the turn signal:
Did you know that it is ILLEGAL, yes ILLEGAL (in state of florida) to change direction without indicating your signal prior? I think it should be illegal to change lanes without indicating your intentions by using your signal. This law would probably save lives or at least your vehicles.

So might I ask you, "What is the point of a turn signal that doesn't get used?" Nothing...turn signals there aren't being used are pointless. Why do you think the car manufacturing industry added them to vehicles, so you have yellow lights?

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