Seeing how I live in the above 50 primary resident section of Florida. I want to hit on a note that is far too familiar with people in our community. This may be common and uncommon both at the same time with all age groups. I myself have had involvement with these issues in family relations since I was 18 myself.
What if you went to the doctor, or read an article one day about something which you do on a regular basis and found out it could cause. Would you continue it, or would you leave it after that day? I have heard many times people speak of things they do on a daily basis which has been test studied and proven to cause cancer, yet they continue to do these things. Some say it is habit or because they feel the need for it.
So I ask this:
Is it something which keeps you alive, like air, water, or nutrition?
If this item does not fall into those 3 primaries, then it is most likely something which you do not need.
People may think that I am talking about smoking. Which can be incorporated, much like the sun in Florida. However the primary thing I am talking about is much smaller then those, and yet everybody has used at least once in their lives or know someone who does.
Coffee additives
Coffee creamers and sweeteners can cause you harm. They are artificially made. Anything which is artificially made for ingestion is most likely going to be bad for you not matter how you conceive it to be. When one person mentions that they must have their coffee, I just don't understand.
Don't get me wrong, I myself have coffee, one cup a day during the week. I do not feel the need to have this during the weekend as I have more time to myself and more sleep to manage with. For most people, normal requirements or coffee would fall into the category of one or two cups a day. Any more then this and you may have an addiction. Also if you must use an entire box of sugar additives, you may have a problem.
I'm am not doctor or physician, however I do know a lot about health. Before its too late, consult someone who can accurately determine your problem.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Cancer Upon Continuation
Courtesy on the Rodes
It has come to my attention that many people agreed with me on the last entry of the local traffic and those of us who don't use turn signals. It just makes sense. We all drive around this area like maniacs. Everyone is in a rush it seems.
So lets elaborate on the local traffic. Those of us who use our signals, seem to get cut off or not let it. While others simply just cut over across lanes or through traffic to get where they want with the use of signals and almost cause an accident. I think this is the driving style which many people here will agree with. If a person uses their signals, we should have the courtesy enough to let that person over. That person has at least shown us that they intend to move over so we should let them over.
I say if you use your signals, you show me that you want over, your not trying to cut me off, or driving with aggression. So I will let you over. With some common courtesy we make better drivers. People get to where they want to go, we avoid traffic accidents and everyone gets to where they want. We all win!
Social circle, I believe, plays a large role also in the way we drive. One might also agree that the higher the pay scale a person climbs, the more aggressive they become on the rode. As if they don't care if they wreck there expensive vehicles. While people may not be equal based on skill or intellect in a room, we are essentially all the same on the rode and subject to the same possible outcomes from driving. A 100,000 vehicle is subject to the same possible damage as a 20,000 one. While the more expensive vehicle may sustain less damage in a wreck, it can't avoid and accident based on price. That is until the industry develops a vehicle that drives itself.
Thanks to those who commented on my previous input, you have touched me to write my opinions again.
Friday, April 25, 2008
"I'm on a Diet"
How many times a day do you here this? Once, twice, three times maybe? Well if your like me and you work with people of a certain gender, then you hear this in almost every conversation which is spoken. Day in and day out, its all about the diet and how to loose weight.
Do you know what the funny thing here is? While they may all be on a diet, they all go to fast food restaurants at lunch and drink soft drinks, now how is that a diet? I just don't understand people. Refined foods and high fructose corn syrup are NOT good for you.
I remember a study I seen once about how this person did a study on the decay factor of fast food from a fast food restaurant and the food from a real restaurant.
See it here
Fast Food Study
The craziest video I've ever seen in my life.
So you choose, regular food, or processed food?
Its up to you to decide which you would rather sit in your stomach.
Use of Turn Signals
Use your turn signals!
This isn't hard to do is it! However you lazy people out there don't use them. So how is the person in the next lane over going to know that you are moving over to avoid driving into the side of your vehicle? By using your signals.
I almost got hit the other day because this guy in a large van did not use his signal. I used mine, I looked and as I moved over, he did the same. However the difference here is this: I had my signal on, if he had even looked he would have seen my signal and chose not to move over, also if he had used his signal himself, I would have not almost hit him as he rushed over into my lane.
So day I was driving and there it goes again. Someone moving into another lane without using there signal while a person in the opposite lane does the same. So one person gets mad and feels cut off. Well...if each of you had used your signals, none of this would have happen.
Quit driving in the dark people! Open you freakin' eyes and use your signals!
The use of the turn signal:
Did you know that it is ILLEGAL, yes ILLEGAL (in state of florida) to change direction without indicating your signal prior? I think it should be illegal to change lanes without indicating your intentions by using your signal. This law would probably save lives or at least your vehicles.
So might I ask you, "What is the point of a turn signal that doesn't get used?" Nothing...turn signals there aren't being used are pointless. Why do you think the car manufacturing industry added them to vehicles, so you have yellow lights?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Worlds Largest Swimming Pool
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Dreams, Thought, and Mind
What are dreams? They can be of many things. Your imagination of your perfect life or what happens when you sleep even a fascination come true. However I think the real key point to this is, how do you follow your dreams?
Some of us just get lucky, we dream about something and something really great happens or our lives change for the better without much effort. Then some people try and try without much to show for chasing their dreams. What causes this difference? Is there something that some people have that others do not?
I believe these results are strictly caused by the power of thought and of the mind. Taken from history and examples of what has happen through my life and through others based on results proven, I believe this to be true. Although I can not explain my examples here, without people labeling me, I can however work in the privacy of my own mind to form my conclusions.
Our imaginations get weaker as we get older, or should as say, as we start to understand what the world is and how cruel it can be. We loose our dream thoughts and replace them with junk from the media and world that surrounds us. If all day if we sat in a box without interruption from the outside world, we probably would go mad before we were to create something great. However, most of our former geniuses were considered a little on the weird side, ahem, Einstein.