Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 4th weekend from hell

Well after the server was down at my online school Thursday, this girl I know, who is a really good friend of mine, and I went out on her jet-ski Saturday early around 10. Around 4 PM a large storm was coming in, we were 30 miles out or so near an island called North Captiva (hurricane Charlie separated this island). While we were trolling out to start to head back in, she turned too sharp in the channel rolling the jet ski. That ended up flooding something in the engine because it wouldn't start. So we got stuck out on North Captiva at a friends house for the rest of the night after they came and towed us back to the house. The storm hadn't let up until 8 PM or so ruining our chances of getting home. Summer rains in Florida. We had no supplies or change of cloths. Would have been a perfect time to do school work if this house we were at had a computer and I had my book for school.

It gets better.

So Monday rolls around and I'm ready to go with everything when I get home from work because Sunday was a loss after spend much of the day get back to our homes doing house chores for the week to come. I have to make up some business cards on the fly at Staples. Turns out they need to keep my jump drive (USB port drive that saves computer work) to run off the cards for Tuesday's pick up. I guess we should have asked and they should have informed us about that before hand. So here it is 5 days partially wasted while trying to enjoy a weekend for a change. Now I have a heck of a lot of catch up to do.

Hope the rest of your 4th's were better then mine

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1 comment:

Zimbo85 said...

I'm sorry about making us fall off the ski, I know you had alot you had to get done over the weekend. I hope you still had a good time out there with all the fun toys we got to play with.