It's hard to imagine, and yet its hard to conceive such terror actually happen.
However my question is this. What did they do soo bad that they were punished this in way?
I believe a lot in Karma and God. God is like Karma, you do bad things, other will do bad things on to you. So in this sense, what did they do soo badly? Alot like the US in 911, what did we do some badly to deserve such a psychological attack on your country as a whole. It may be the fact that we sin like there isn't a tomorrow, or we had it coming to us based on our ego as the largest world power.
It takes disasters like this to wake the world up from their stupid slumber. Also its a natural check on the population. When a population gets too large for its own good, a natural disaster cuts that number down a bit and fate says its time for all those who perished to go.
Think back to any drug addict you have ever known. Eventually they overdose (OD) because fate finds them a way out of the struggle they are caught in. They may go to rehab and change, but 7-10 times they repeat the process again and OD. So many in Hollywood are perfect examples of this.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Bangladesh Cyclone
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Red Fridays
Red Fridays.
Very soon, you will see a great many people wearingRed every Friday. The reason? Americans who supportour troops used to be called the 'silent majority.'We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love forGod, country and home in record breaking numbers. Weare not organized, boisterous or overbearing.
Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends,simply want to recognize that the vast majority ofAmerica supports our troops. Our idea of showingsolidarity and support for our troops with dignity andrespect starts this Friday -- and continues each andevery Friday until the troops all come home, sendinga deafening message that .. every red-blooded American who supports our men and women afar, will wearsomething red.
By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make the UnitedStates on every Friday a sea of red much like ahomecoming football game in the bleachers. If everyone of us who loves this country will share this withacquaintances, coworkers, friends, and family, it willnot be long before the USA is covered in RED and itwill let our troops know the once 'silent' majorityis on their side more than ever, certainly more thanthe media lets on.
The first thing a soldier says when asked 'What canwe do to make things better for you?' is. 'We needyour support and your prayers.' Let's get the word outand lead with class and dignity, by example, and wearsomething red every Friday.
Good idea or Bad idea?
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
On days like today
Its sad I have to sit in an office and look through a glass window. I would much rather be outside enjoying a day off in the nice wheather we are having here. Not too many days like this come around so I would like to enjoy it more. Someday when I retire with my millions I can enjoy things more in life.